Validation and functional TMM analysis

Telomere fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on metaphase spreads of tumor cells.
The two telomeres at each end of a chromosome (shown in blue)  were stained in different colors (red and green) to visualize exchanges of sequences between telomeres. This exchange, known as telomere recombination, is characteristic for alternative telomere lengthening in the absence of telomerase.

From recent studies it is emerging that Telomere Maintenance (TM) is a complex process that involves hundreds of different genes. We are applying our high expertise in the investigation of cytological TM features to derive and validate models for TM mechanism and TM classification that will be developed within the CancerTelSys consortium. First, we will establish glioblastoma and prostate cancer cell lines representing the genetic background of different TMM subgroups. The model-based predictions of cytological TM features of these cell lines will be tested by using the optimized image quantification approach developed in SP2. Furthermore, the functional relevance of TM features for the proliferation potential of these tumors will be assessed. Together with our collaborators we will also develop novel strategies to inhibit the TMM for therapeutic intervention.

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