Management Office of the e:Med Project Committee

The management office represents the operational level of coordination of the systems medicine network. It acts on behalf of the project committee and therefore in the interests of all e:Med scientists. The office has an important function as an internal information interface between the PK and individual consortia and groups and as a networking control room with stakeholders from science, public sphere, politics and business. The office supports the board in communications and networking and represents e:Med in terms of public image activities. Its tasks include the website layout and media relations, as well as organization of conferences and workshops and organization of project groups for current overlapping issues. 

We are currently mainly available by e-mail.

e:Med Management Office
c/o German Cancer Research Center - DKFZ
Im Neuenheimer Feld 581, V025
D-69120 Heidelberg

Dr. Silke Argo

Scientific assistants
Dr. Ann-Cathrin Hofer 
E-Mail: a.hofer(at)

Dr. Asli Kayserili
Fon: +49-6221-424649

Gesa Durniock-Thierschmann 

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