Module IIIa
Junior research groups
Eight young scientists in the area of system-oriented medical research are given the opportunity via the funding measure “Junior research groups in systems medicine”, to pursue their own long-term research project at a German research institution. To that end they are given the chance to build up scientific expertise independently and in an interdisciplinary approach and thereby get established in system-oriented medical research. By building and managing a research group, consisting of one group leader position, one postdoctoral and up to two doctorate positions, the young scientists are given the opportunity to establish themselves, both nationally and internationally, at the highest level of science.
The first e:Med Junior research groups began work in April 2016 and are funded in a total of approx. 11 million euro over a period of five years.
Module III
Promotion of young scientists in systems medicine
Module III “Promotion of young scientists in systems medicine” covers the funding measures junior research groups and junior research alliances, as well as the organization of high-quality summer schools.
Funding is provided to outstanding young medics, information scientists, mathematicians and biologists. They are given the opportunity to implement their own systems medicine projects. The module is aimed at improving cooperation between scientists, intensifying knowledge transfer between these disciplines and integrating information technology and mathematics more strongly into clinical training and research.
Further information and contact persons can be found at DLR-PT

Dr. Amke Hesse
DLR Projektträger
Bereich Gesundheit
53227 Bonn
Tel.: 0228 3821-1676