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Personalized Medicine Day

The Personalized Medicine Day took place in the Urania in Berlin on September 24, 2018.

The "Personalized Medicine Day" in Berlin was a great success! 400 pupils, students, scientists and interested citizens have come to the Urania and have obtained information through lectures and interactive experiments on the current research of personalized medicine.

Schon am Montagmorgen um 9:30 Uhr war das Forum der Urania mit Schülern gefüllt. Mit ihren Lehrern waren Bio-LKs und interessierte Klassen gekommen, um Forschung zu schnuppern und zu erfahren, was personalisierte Medizin ist. Der Tag der personalisierten Medizin hat das möglich gemacht.

Already on Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock the foyer of the Urania was filled with pupils. With their teachers, advanced biology courses and interested classes have come to get a taste of research and learn what personalized medicine is. The personalized medicine day made that possible.

How can gut bactaria impact on our health? One of many fascinating talks.

Learn from the scientists

Eva Nourney, Head of the BMBF-Unit New Methods and Technologies in the Life Sciences, welcomed the students in the Kleist Room of the Urania, which was packed to the last seat. In exciting lectures, international scientists from the fields of medicine, biology, computer science and mathematics refered about their research and showed the diversity and and interdisciplinarity of systems medicine. "I have already became some ideas. I'm in the advanced biology and math class and I learned about some interesting connections between these fields, "said a student his impressions of the lecture program. The two science slammers also thrilled the audience with humor and singing. In entertaining lectures they showed what Amazon has to do with personalized medicine or how to combat anemia with systems medicine.

Virtual Surgery: Looking over the shoulder of surgeons performing a kidney transplantation.

Systems medicine interactive

On the same time, the interactive program took place in the foyer, demonstrated by scientists from Berlin, Ulm, Dortmund, Greifswald and Erlangen. The participants were able to experience personalized medicine at 17 booths: experience a surgeons perspective with VR glasses, walking through the brain with neuro headsets, looking at zebrafish with heart defects or measuring one's own ECG. At other booths, scientists showed living cells in a microscope, demonstrated scientific computer games or explained the molecular scissors CRISPR. Workshops completed the program of this intensive day of personalized medicine. Students isolated their own DNA and in a Citizen Science Workshop, researchers introduced the analysis of histological tissue sections. The participants actively contributed to science through their own analysis.

Playing games using your brainwaves and many other experiments were demonstrated at the exhibition.

Future Medicine
„Im Bereich der personalisierten Medizin erhoffen wir uns für die Zukunft, dass wir die Patienten besser stratifizieren, also einteilen können – beispielsweise aufgrund ihrer genetischen Information oder bestimmten Biomarker-Informationen, die wir aus dem Blut detektieren können“, erklärt Professor Tanja Zeller.
Am Nachmittag berichteten junge systemmedizinische Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler von Ihrem persönlichen Werdegang. Besonders für Studentinnen und Studenten war interessant, wie vielseitig und multiprofessionell diese Forschung sein kann. Professor Rosenstiel erklärt es so: „In der Systemmedizin arbeiten viele Disziplinen Hand in Hand. Um einen komplexen Datensatz zu interpretieren, brauchen Sie neben Medizinern und Biologen auch Mathematiker, Informatiker und Physiker. Das ist eine Herausforderung auch für eine gemeinsame Sprache.“

e:Med hat diesen Tag für die Öffentlichkeit organisiert, der unter der Schirmherrschaft von Bundesbildungsministerin Anja Karliczek stand. Die Veranstaltung war zudem Partner des BMBF-Wissenschaftsjahr "Arbeitswelten der Zukunft".

"For the future of personalized medicine, we hope we'll soon be able to stratify patients more exactly - for example, due to their genetic information or specific biomarker information that can be detect from the blood," explains Professor Tanja Zeller.
In the afternoon, young system medical scientists reported about their personal careers. Especially for students it was interesting to hear how diverse and multi-professional this research can be. Professor Rosenstiel explains it this way: "In systems medicine many disciplines work hand in hand. In order to interpret a complex data set, you need mathematicians, computer scientists and physicists in addition to physicians and biologists. This is a challenge - also to find a common language."

e: Med organized this day for the public under the patronage of Federal Minister of Education and Research Anja Karliczek. The event was also a partner of the BMBF Science Year "Working Environments of the Future".

More information:

Event page :

Brochure "systems medicine" (in German):

Short movie by the BMBF: