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Consortia and Alliances

Hundreds of scientists from the most diverse specialist departments conduct research into e:Med systems medicine projects at 75 German institutions.

81 ongoing e:Med projects are funded in the second funding period. They are grouped into 9 Research alliances Forschungsverbünde (38 projects), 4 Demonstrator alliances (22 projects) und 7 Junior research alliances (21 projects).

In the first funding period, 205 e:Med projects in a total of 14 systems medicine consortia (106 projects), 8 demonstrator groups (37 projects), 8 junior research groups (8 projects), 9 junior research alliances (29 projects) and 6 networking fonds (21 projects). Information on where research is being conducted into which subjects can be found in the descriptions of groups and subprojects.

2nd funding period

Systems medicine research (Module I)

Demonstrators for an individualized medicine (Module II)

Junior research alliances (Modul III)


1st funding period

Systems medicine research consortia (Modul I)

Demonstrators for an individualized medicine (Modul II)

Junior research groups (Modul IIIa)

Junior research alliances (Modul IIIb)

Networking fonds