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e:Med project group Informatics & Modelling


e:Med Focus Workshop data management in systems medicine

The workshop was held on June 9-10, 2016 at TMF e.V. in Berlin.

Topics were:

  • TranSMART  - Ulrich Sax, University Medical Center Göttingen, SysINFLAME
  • KNIME  - Gregory Landrum, VP Life Sciences, AG
  • Data Harmonization - Matthias Ganzinger, University Heidelberg, CLIOMMICS
  • In-Memory Data Management for Systems Medicine  - Matthieu Schapranow, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam

Download agenda

All talks and protocols are available for members of the e:Med PG Informatics/Modelling. Please login for further information.

A follow-up Workshop was held Nov, 21st, 10:00 a.m. at the e:Med Meeting in Göttingen.


This workshop took place right after the workshop Best practice - Sharing and Publishing of (Gen)Omics Data (June 8-9) in the same location.