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Researchers Night Heidelberg / Mannheim


On Friday, September 27, 2019, the European Researchers` Night, an EU-funded initiative took place for the second time in Heidelberg / Mannheim. More than 2,250 visitors informed themselves about cancer research and prevention at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) alone. The e:Med Systems Medicine office was particularly well received by young visitors with their offer: their own name could be converted into the DNA code to make a very personal pearl bracelet. Folding a paper DNA helix was a trick for many. Visitors to the stand - small or big – learned about the secrets of DNA, the basic principle of the genetic code and, of course, the basics of personalized medicine. The seats at the e:Med booth were occupied throughout the night, and while packing up visitors were still knotting and folding their bracelets and DNA helices.

So lernten die Besucher des Standes -  ob klein oder groß - die Geheimnisse der DNA, das Grundprinzip des genetischen Codes und natürlich die Grundlagen der personalisierten Medizin kennen. Die Plätze am e:Med Stand blieben während der gesamten Nacht besetzt und noch während des Aufräumens knoteten und falteten Interessierte ihre Armbänder und DNA-Helices.,-fotostrecke-nacht-der-forschung-stillt-wissensdurst-_mediagalid,35025.html