Abstract submission
Abstract Submission is now closed.
The Scientific Program Committee will decide upon acceptance of submitted contributions. Six contributions will be selected for oral presentation in each of the following symposia:
1) Epigenetics & Transcriptomics (Chair: Karsten Rippe)
2) Genome Editing (Chair: Wolfgang Wurst)
3) Cardiovascular Disease (Chair: Jeanette Erdmann)
4) Computational Approaches & Clinical Utilities (Chair: Fabian Theis)
5) Cancer (Chair: Angelika Eggert)
The corresponding authors will be informed about the acceptance for oral or poster presentation after the abstract deadline.
Additionally, we invite you to submit abstracts (for poster presentation only) related to Neurological Disorders (Chair: Markus Nöthen), to Infection and Inflammation (Chair: Nina Babel) as well as related to ELSA (Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of the Modern Life Sciences).
The final abstract deadline is September 27, 2015.
All abstracts will be presented to all participants of the e:Med Meeting 2015 by the abstract book, which will be available on site.

- Information for abstract format
Abstract title: max. 250 characters incl. spaces
Abstract body: max. 2,000 characters incl. spaces
- Information for poster arrangements
- Please regard the maximum poster format: DIN A 0 (W x H: 841 x 1188 mm)
- Posters may be set-up October 26, 2014, from 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm.
- Poster pins/strips to fix your poster will be provided.
- During poster session on October 27, 12.30 to 2.30 pm a member of your consortium is expected at the poster in order to present the data.
- Please place the e:Med logo onto your poster - Download e:Med logo here
- Download BMBF logo here