Abstract submission
– is closed –

Information on abstract submission:
Please choose a suitable session to submit your abstract.
Your abstract shall have up to 2,000 characters including spaces.
Your abstract’s title is up to 250 characters including spaces.
The Scientific Program Committee will decide upon acceptance of submitted contributions. Contributions will be selected for oral presentation in each of the following symposia:
- Technologies in Systems Medicine
- Data Privacy in Systems Medicine
- Bioinformatic Approaches and Machine Learning
- Multi-Omics in Systems Medicine
- Modelling in Systems Medicine
- Systems Medicine of Covid 19
- Systems Medicine Approach to Tumor Heterogeneity
- Translational Systems Medicine
The corresponding authors will be informed about the acceptance for oral or poster presentation after the abstract deadline by e-mail.
Please register before submitting your abstract.
Abstract format:
Abstracts will be available to all participants of the e:Med Meeting 2021 in the abstract book in pdf format.
Award criteria:
The top three posters will be honored by the e:Med Poster Award 2021.
Award criteria:
- scientific quality and novelty
- concise statement of significance of research
- focused problems, innovative solutions
- succinct, clear, engaging presentation
- visual balance between text, figures and tables
On top of that, the best and most creative FlashTalk presentation will be awarded by the "NaWik Communication Award" with a voucher for a NaWik Seminar (worth 275 €)!
The awards will only be allocated to the participants who are present with their posters at the award ceremony or who have designated a representative who will present their poster.
Information for poster arrangements will be similar to our virtual conference last year. Details will follow soon.
The presenting author is expected at the poster in order to explain the data during poster sessions.
Please place the e:Med logo onto your poster