Dear e:Med colleague,
The e:Med Project Committee cordially invites all members to attend the e:Med Meeting 2015 on Systems Medicine on October 26 to 28, at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg.
This meeting will be an ideal forum for scientific discussions and for sharing ideas, results and information. Take this chance for meeting your e:Med colleagues!
The main program shows cross-cutting subjects of top interest as Epigenetics & Transcriptomics, Genome Editing and Computational Approaches & Clinical Utilities.
This year we will focus on Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer as the main disease topics. However, these disease topics will swap each year. It is our declared intention for the conference to think out of the box of one’s own work. Expend the effort to listen to your colleague’s work! To make this easy, each session will start with a keynote that brings all talks of the session into context. Further keynotes will highlight key issues.
Unveil your work to the community by submitting an abstract for talk or poster on the session topics! Six talks will be chosen for presentation in Short Talks. Aditionally, you are invited to submit your abstract for poster presentation on Neurological Disorders, on Infection and Inflammation as well as on ELSA projects (Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of the Modern Life Sciences). Your Poster will be exposed at the poster exposition throughout the conference and addressed during poster walks.
The highlight evening lecture is given by Rudi Balling, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, on the latest key issues of Systems Medicine.
Get an update on the activities of the four e:Med Project Groups on Informatics/Modelling, Epigenetics & Sequencing, Data Security & Ethics, and Processing of Imaging Data.
Ultimately, don't miss the Networking Events in the evening and meet the e:Med community in a relaxed atmosphere with fingerfood and wine that will encourage interaction and discussion.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in Heidelberg!

(As Spokespersons for the e:Med Project Committee)
PS: Physicians, please note: 18 CME credits can be obtained for full attendance!