e:Med Program Committee Members
for the virtual Kick-off meeting:
PD Dr. Sascha Dietrich, University Hospital Heidelberg
Dr. Maria Fedorova, Leipzig University
Dr. Stefan Florian, Charité Berlin
Dr. Julie George, University of Cologne
Dr. Simon Haas, DKFZ and Hi-STEM, Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Samuel Huber, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
Prof. Dr. Steffen Just, University Hospital Ulm
Dr. Matthia Karreman, DKFZ and Heidelberg University
Prof. Dr. Philip Rosenstiel, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel
Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz, Leipzig University
Dr. Emanuel Schwarz, Central Institute for Mental Health, Mannheim
Prof. Dr. Rainer Spanagel, Central Institute for Mental Health, Mannheim
Prof. Dr. Silke Szymczak, University of Lübeck
Prof. Dr. Jana Wolf, Max-Delbrück-Centrum for Molecular Medicine, Berlin
Dr. Helena Zacharias, University of Greifswald
We thank the former members of the program committee for the meeting in March for the evaluation of the abstracts, their scientific input and their contribution:
Prof. Dr. Nina Babel, Charité Berlin
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Feuerhake, Hannover Medical School
Prof. Dr. Markus Nöthen, University Hospital Bonn
Prof. Dr. Joachim L. Schultze, LIMES-Institute, University of Bonn
Prof. Dr. Martin Sos, University of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Rainer Spang, University of Regensburg
Prof. Dr. Roman Thomas, University of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Tanja Zeller, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Dr. Michael Ziller, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, München