e:Med Meeting 2024
on Systems Medicine

November 21 -23, 2024, Hamburg

Venue: Helmut-Schmidt-Auditorium of the Bucerius Law School

You are cordially invited to the 10th e:Med Meeting on Systems Medicine, 21 - 23 November 2024 at the Helmut-Schmidt-Auditorium of the Bucerius Law School, Hamburg.

Come to this particularly future-oriented e:Med meeting at a fantastic location in the cosmopolitan city of Hamburg. 
It's time to showcase all the great successes that have been achieved in systems medicine, especially with e:Med funding by the BMBF. This meeting will be an ideal forum for scientific discussions and for sharing ideas, results and information at your session talk, poster or flash talk, at the exhibitions and certainly during plenty  of networking opportunities. Be there when the whole systems medicine community comes together. Let's tackle future topics of the scene with a view to our achievements. And let's live the success of having established systems medicine in Germany together.

Abstract Deadline: September 18, 2024

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