Module I
Systems medicine research alliances

e:Med module I is the central measure of the research and funding concept. These interdisciplinary research alliances each handle one joint disease-related question based on a systems medicine research approach in a large number of subprojects at different locations. Clinical working groups, high throughput-oriented teams of biomedical basic research and experts in information technology work together here.
Nine new interdisciplinary research alliances of the e:Med Modul I 'Systems Medicine Research Alliances' started in 2019/2020 and are initially be funded by the BMBF with ca. 23 million EUR.
In 2013, the BMBF makes an amount of 52.3 million EUR available for 14 research groups at 42 scientific institutions in 28 German cities and 3 universities outside Germany for the first three of the scheduled five funding years.
Further information and contact persons can be found at PT-DLR

Dr. Amke Hesse
DLR Projektträger
Bereich Gesundheit
53227 Bonn
Tel.: 0228 3821-1676