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Blazquez-Navarro, A., L. Mittmann, C. J. Thieme, M. Anft, K. Paniskaki, A. Doevelaar, F. S. Seibert, B. Hoelzer, M. J. Konik, M. M. Berger, T. Brenner, C. Tempfer, C. Watzl, T. L. Meister, S. Pfaender, E. Steinmann, S. Dolff, U. Dittmer, O. Witzke, U. Stervbo, T. Roch, M. Or-Guil, T. H. Westhoff, and N. Babel (2022). "Impact of low eGFR on the immune response against COVID-19." Journal of Nephrology.

Blazquez-Navarro, A., T. Roch, P. Wehler, U. Stervbo, C. Bauer, K. Wolk, R. Sabat, C. Dang-Heine, O. Thomusch, P. Reinke, C. Hugo, P. Zgoura, R. Viebahn, T. Westhoff, M. Or-Guil, and N. Babel (2022). "Lack of predictive capacity of pre-transplant anti-BK virus antibodies for post-transplant reactivation." J Nephrol: 1–3.



Anft, M., A. Blazquez-Navarro, U. Stervbo, S. Skrzypczyk, O. Witzke, R. Wirth, M. Choi, C. Hugo, P. Reinke, T. L. Meister, E. Steinmann, S. Pfaender, P. Schenker, R. Viebahn, T. H. Westhoff, and N. Babel (2021). "Detection of pre-existing SARS-CoV-2-reactive T cells in unexposed renal transplant patients." J Nephrol 34(4): 1025-1037.

Awad, G., T. Roch, U. Stervbo, S. Kaliszczyk, A. Stittrich, J. Horstrup, O. Cinkilic, H. Appel, L. Natrus, L. Gayova, F. Seibert, F. Bauer, T. Westhoff, M. Nienen, and N. Babel (2021). "Robust hepatitis B vaccine-reactive T cell responses in failed humoral immunity." Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 21: 288-298.

Blazquez-Navarro, A., C. Dang-Heine, P. Wehler, T. Roch, C. Bauer, S. Neumann, R. Blazquez-Navarro, A. Kurchenko, K. Wolk, R. Sabat, T. H. Westhoff, S. Olek, O. Thomusch, H. Seitz, P. Reinke, C. Hugo, B. Sawitzki, M. Or-Guil, and N. Babel (2021). "Risk factors for Epstein-Barr virus reactivation after renal transplantation: Results of a large, multi-centre study." Transpl Int 34(9): 1680-1688.

Frew, J. W., A. V. Marzano, K. Wolk, O. Join-Lambert, A. Alavi, M. A. Lowes, and V. Piguet (2021). "A Systematic Review of Promising Therapeutic Targets in Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Critical Evaluation of Mechanistic and Clinical Relevance." J. Invest. Dermatol. 141(2): 316-+.

Roch, T., C. Giesecke-Thiel, A. Blazquez-Navarro, P. Wehler, C. J. Thieme, K. Juelke, G. Grütz, J. Hörstrup, O. Witzke, U. Dittmer, U. Stervbo, P. Reinke, T. H. Westhoff, and N. Babel (2021). "Generation of HBsAg-reactive T- and B-cells following HBV vaccination in serological non-responders under hemodialysis treatment." Eur J Immunol 51(5): 1278-1281.

Thieme, C. J., M. Anft, K. Paniskaki, A. Blazquez-Navarro, A. Doevelaar, F. S. Seibert, B. Hoelzer, M. Justine Konik, T. L. Meister, S. Pfaender, E. Steinmann, M. Moritz Berger, T. Brenner, U. Kolsch, S. Dolff, T. Roch, O. Witzke, P. Schenker, R. Viebahn, U. Stervbo, T. H. Westhoff, and N. Babel (2021). "The Magnitude and Functionality of SARS-CoV-2 Reactive Cellular and Humoral Immunity in Transplant Population Is Similar to the General Population Despite Immunosuppression." Transplantation 105(10): 2156-2164.

Thieme, C. J., P. Zgoura, I. Todorova, D. Babel, O. Witzke, R. Viebahn, F. Halleck, F. Bachmann, T. H. Westhoff, M. Choi, and N. Babel (2021). "Coronavirus Disease 2019 Associated Risk Score, Behavior, and Symptom Prevalence in German Transplant Recipients." Transplantation Proceedings 53(4): 1245–1248.


Anft, M., K. Paniskaki, A. Blazquez-Navarro, A. Doevelaar, F. S. Seibert, B. Hölzer, S. Skrzypczyk, E. Kohut, J. Kurek, J. Zapka, P. Wehler, S. Kaliszczyk, S. Bajda, C. J. Thieme, T. Roch, M. J. Konik, M. M. Berger, T. Brenner, U. Kölsch, T. L. Meister, S. Pfaender, E. Steinmann, C. Tempfer, C. Watzl, S. Dolff, U. Dittmer, M. Abou-El-Enein, T. H. Westhoff, O. Witzke, U. Stervbo, and N. Babel (2020). "COVID-19-Induced ARDS Is Associated with Decreased Frequency of Activated Memory/Effector T Cells Expressing CD11a++." Mol Ther 28(12): 2691–2702.

Babel, N., M. Anft, A. Blazquez-Navarro, A. A. N. Doevelaar, F. S. Seibert, F. Bauer, B. J. Rohn, B. Hoelzer, C. J. Thieme, T. Roch, T. L. Meister, S. Pfaender, E. Steinmann, U. Dittmer, P. Schenker, K. Amann, R. Viebahn, U. Stervbo, and T. H. Westhoff (2020). "Immune monitoring facilitates the clinical decision in multifocal COVID-19 of a pancreas-kidney transplant patient." Am J Transplant 20(11): 3210–3215.

Blazquez-Navarro, A., C. Dang-Heine, C. Bauer, N. Wittenbrink, K. Wolk, R. Sabat, O. Witzke, T. H. Westhoff, B. Sawitzki, P. Reinke, O. Thomusch, C. Hugo, N. Babel, and M. Or-Guil (2020). "Sex-Associated Differences in Cytomegalovirus Prevention: Prophylactic Strategy is Potentially Associated With a Strong Kidney Function Impairment in Female Renal Transplant Patients." Front Pharmacol 11.

Meyer, F., F. S. Seibert, M. Nienen, M. Welzel, D. Beisser, F. Bauer, B. Rohn, T. H. Westhoff, U. Stervbo, and N. Babel (2020). "Propionate supplementation promotes the expansion of peripheral regulatory T-Cells in patients with end-stage renal disease." J Nephrol: 1--11.

Pustlauk, W., T. H. Westhoff, L. Claeys, T. Roch, S. Geissler, and N. Babel (2020). "Induced osteogenic differentiation of human smooth muscle cells as a model of vascular calcification." Sci Rep 10(1).

Sabat, R., G. B. E. Jemec, L. Matusiak, A. B. Kimball, E. Prens, and K. Wolk (2020). "Hidradenitis suppurativa." Nat Rev Dis Primers 6(1).

Stervbo, U., S. Bajda, P. Wehler, B. J. Rohn, M. Streichhahn, S. Temizsoy, E. Kohut, T. Roch, R. Viebahn, T. H. Westhoff, and N. Babel (2020). "Stability of 12 T-helper cell-associated cytokines in human serum under different pre-analytical conditions." CYTOKINE 129(155044).

Thieme, C., M. Anft, K. Paniskaki, A. Blázquez Navarro, A. Doevelaar, F. S. Seibert, B. Hölzer, M. J. Konik, T. Brenner, C. Tempfer, C. Watzl, S. Dolff, U. Dittmer, O. Witzke, T. H. Westhoff, U. Stervbo, T. Roch, and N. Babel (2020). "The SARS-COV-2 T-Cell Immunity is Directed Against the Spike, Membrane, and Nucleocapsid Protein and Associated with COVID 19 Severity." Immunity.

Wolk, K., O. Join-Lambert, and R. Sabat (2020). "Aetiology and pathogenesis of hidradenitis suppurativa." BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY.


Baum, K., Schuchhardt, J., Wolf, J. and Busse, D. (2019). "Of Gene Expression and Cell Division Time: A Mathematical Framework for Advanced Differential Gene Expression and Data Analysis." Cell Syst.

Krause, K., Sabat, R., Witte-Handel, E., Schulze, A., Puhl, V., Maurer, M. and Wolk, K. (2019). "Association of CCL2 with systemic inflammation in Schnitzler syndrome." Br J Dermatol 180(4): 859-868.

Sabat, R., Wolk, K., Loyal, L., Docke, W. D. and Ghoreschi, K. (2019). "T cell pathology in skin inflammation." Semin Immunopathol 41(3): 359-377.

Stervbo, U., Nienen, M., Viebahn, R., Amann, K., Westhoff, T. H. and Babel, N. (2019). "Differentiatial diagnosis of interstitial allograft rejection and BKV nephropathy by T-cell receptor sequencing." Transplantation.

Thieme, C. J., Weist, B. J. D., Mueskes, A., Roch, T., Stervbo, U., Rosiewicz, K., Wehler, P., Stein, M., Nickel, P., Kurtz, A., Lachmann, N., Choi, M., Schmueck-Henneresse, M., Westhoff, T. H., Reinke, P. and Babel, N. (2019). "The TreaT-Assay: A Novel Urine-Derived Donor Kidney Cell-Based Assay for Prediction of Kidney Transplantation Outcome." Sci Rep 9(1): 1--12.

Witte-Handel, E., Wolk, K., Tsaousi, A., Irmer, M. L., Mossner, R., Shomroni, O., Lingner, T., Witte, K., Kunkel, D., Salinas, G., Jodl, S., Schmidt, N., Sterry, W., Volk, H. D., Giamarellos-Bourboulis, E. J., Pokrywka, A., Docke, W. D., Schneider-Burrus, S. and Sabat, R. (2019). "The IL-1 Pathway Is Hyperactive in Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Contributes to Skin Infiltration and Destruction." J Invest Dermatol 139(6): 1294-1305.

Wittenbrink, N., Herrmann, S., Blazquez-Navarro, A., Bauer, C., Lindberg, E., Wolk, K., Sabat, R., Reinke, P., Sawitzki, B., Thomusch, O., Hugo, C., Babel, N., Seitz, H. and Or-Guil, M. (2019). "A novel approach reveals that HLA class 1 single antigen bead-signatures provide a means of high-accuracy pre-transplant risk assessment of acute cellular rejection in renal transplantation." BMC Immunol 20(1): 11.


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Blazquez-Navarro, A., Dang-Heine, C., Wittenbrink, N., Bauer, C., Wolk, K., Sabat, R., Westhoff, T. H., Sawitzki, B., Reinke, P., Thomusch, O., Hugo, C., Or-Guil, M. and Babel, N. (2018). "BKV, CMV, and EBV Interactions and their Effect on Graft Function One Year Post-Renal Transplantation: Results from a Large Multi-Centre Study." EBioMedicine.

Blazquez-Navarro, A., Schachtner, T., Stervbo, U., Sefrin, A., Stein, M., Westhoff, T. H., Reinke, P., Klipp, E., Babel, N., Neumann, A. U. and Or-Guil, M. (2018). "Differential T cell response against BK virus regulatory and structural antigens: A viral dynamics modelling approach." PLoS computational biology 14(5): e1005998.

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Stervbo, U., Roch, T., Kornprobst, T., Sawitzki, B., Grütz, G., Wilhelm, A., Lacombe, F., Allou, K., Kaymer, M., Pacheco, A., Vigne, J., Westhoff, T. H., Seibert, F. S. and Babel, N. (2018). "Gravitational stress during parabolic flights reduces the number of circulating innate and adaptive leukocyte subsets in human blood." PLOS ONE 13(11): e0206272.

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Jürchott, K., Schulz, A.R., Bozzetti, C., Pohlmann, D., Stervbo, U., Warth, S., Mälzer, J.N., Waldner, J., Schweiger, B., Olek, S., Grützkau, A., Babel, N., Thiel, A., Neumann, A.U., 2016. Highly Predictive Model for a Protective Immune Response to the A(H1N1)pdm2009 Influenza Strain after Seasonal Vaccination. PLoS ONE 11, e0150812.


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Weist, B.J.D., Wehler, P., El Ahmad, L., Schmueck-Henneresse, M., Millward, J.M., Nienen, M., Neumann, A.U., Reinke, P., Babel, N., 2015. A revised strategy for monitoring BKV-specific cellular immunity in kidney transplant patients. Kidney Int. 88, 1293–1303.


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